'base flood elevation or BFE' _noun, def: an imaginary line of the height of expectant water rise in a 100 year flood, a unit of measure & value created by FEMA, usually in relation to Special Flood Hazard Areas or SPHAs, in gauging the severity of flood risk upon communities
FACT: 99% of U.S. counties were impacted by a flooding event between 1996 - 2016
HOME MECHANIX knows FEMA flood code. We have mitigated ~1000 structures & have the experience to help you navigate around understanding what FEMA requires for mitigating for flood. From basement fills to flood vents we have done it all. AE, AO, X & VE flood zones & diagrams 2A, 6, 7, 8, & 9 mitigation applications. Call HOME MECHANIX today to better understand how our expertise will help your house become more resilient to flooding & even lower your flood premiums.
One of the types of residential structures that are the most susceptible to damage from flood events are basements. The 'hydrostatic pressures' of 'super-saturated soils'' push upwards & inwards that cause the most damage. FEMA rewards homeowners with discounts on flood insurance for making basements go away.
HOME MECHANIX knows diagram 2A structures & what it takes to become compliant correctly. Make your house more resilient to flood today & schedule your free evaluation.
If the crawl space within in a structure is more than .3 of a foot below the LAG or lowest adjacent grade than FEMA rates the structure a Diag. 9. This is a red flag meaning that the veneer on the structure is at risk of elevated hydrostatic pressures & more likely to be damage during a flooding event. HOME MECHANIX has converted diagram 9 structures to 8s. Give us a call to get a free evaluation today.
Flood vents allow the flood waters on both sides of your crawl space walls to equalize the 'hydrostatic pressures' that cause expensive foundation damage. Tidal flooding creates force with water movements pushing up against a house during a flood that will likely result in major structural damages.
Flood vents installed correctly require the consideration of the following in design:
- where is the 'flood path', which direction will the floods come from
- proper distribution of NFA considering each side of the structure
- compliance in height & total NFA
- 36" 'flood panel', 5 minute installation, it tightens down & against the jambs
- the 'hydrostatic pressures' multiple exponetially when the waters rise, we had to back fill the space behind the bricks with mortar to make this installation successful
- this 'flood panel' required a 'sill pad' installation
- 9' 'flood planks' stack & sill on top of each other, the final panel locks them down
- 'flood proofing' is applying solutions that prevent or reduce the damages caused by flooding
- this pump system was installed for redunantcy in case the sills leak
- this customer deals with flooding 15 or so times a year
- flood wall & elevated driveway allows parking above the typical nor'easter flood height
- not a usual use of Crawl Space Doors 'button stakes' but they worked great, not a usual job for Tara, 'the Worlds' 1st ceriified Floating Moisture Barrier technician', but no complaints....never
- HOME MECHANIX handles all things flood, flood walls, flood panels, flood planks....
- 'flood retaining wall' complete, customer happy
- the 52.5 degree angles of the capstones were laid to deflect waves from cars driving through the flooded street...works great
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