'fluid migration' - noun, definition: the movement of water downwards, inward & upwards through the soils in, around & under a structure
'capillary action' - noun, definition: the natural movement of fluids upwards, even in the opposition to gravity, also known as wicking up
'FACT ' - 85% of all wood moisture damage under a structure w/ a crawl space is from ground water intrusions, a $3 Billion U.S. problem
Super Saturated Soils...(by the Sea Shores)
The science is simple when you consider the construction of how residential foundational footings are built upon a 'permeable surface' (soil). Rainwater via 'fluid migration' by 'capillary action' soaks in, under, around and even up the edges of the veneer & footings of a house. Over the history of the American crawl space 1/4 Trillion US dollars have been spent on structural repairs due to unmanaged water in the crawl space. Oh & that is just in property damages... just wait until the world is awaken to the health cost implications!!
Modern techniques of water proofing crawl spaces are inadequate for rain bombs & tidal flooding. Sump pumps are susceptible to power outages & overflows of waters coming in greater than the pumps ability pump waters out.
Home Mechanix
has developed a
'Floating Moisture Barrier' system that accommodates ground water intrusions 100%. Call us today if you have issues with water in the crawl space. We understand
'groundwater intrusions' enough to say ... "hey we invented a new way".
- Excessive 'moisture vapors' in the crawl spaces atmosphere gets trapped by the enclosure of the crawl space walls. When condensation & evaporation equalize total 'atmospheric vapor saturation' happens, this is what causes 'crawl space dew'.
- The 'sandy soils' under this structure is allowing water to flow in freely via 'fluid migration' . Water sits on top of the plastic for weeks creating the conditions that causes all the rot & the need for poisons to kill the bugs it invites.
- If a structure has a 'below grade crawl space' on sandy soils this is what you will see in hour 2 of a heavy rain event.
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